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Content Marketing for the Financial Sector

Anche se nel vostro settore i numeri sono tutto, con il giusto content marketing troverete facilmente le parole adatte.
Content Marketing for the Financial Sector

Why Is Content Important for Banks, Insurance Companies, and Other Financial Services Providers?

In the past, bank advisors and insurance agents were known by name and would visit local branches to see their latest products and offers. But since the internet has taken over all spheres of life, specialized websites with high-quality and informative content are the first choice when it comes to important decisions about the money. But even here, it’s important to remain serious - with qualitative financial content that skillfully engages customers and answers all their questions. This is the only way to secure their return -you must become their trusted customer advisor.

High-Quality Content Marketing for Banks to Create Trust

Potrete sicuramente ricordare il rispetto con cui una volta si parlava dei funzionari e consulenti bancari. Quanto meno a partire dalla crisi finanziaria del 2008/09, la situazione è cambiata, e la fiducia nelle istituzioni finanziarie è diminuita, come si può vedere, ad esempio, dalle indagini internazionali degli esperti finanziari di Ernst & Young.

This is where content marketing comes into play. The meteoric rise of this inbound marketing tool is due to the fact that your products and services are professionally marketed with good texts, rather than adopting the methods of online market criers. After all, the annoying e-mails, grating ads, and sometimes inappropriate advertising messages have long ceased to have the desired effect on consumers. It is high time to look for new ways to present your own offer on the world wide web. Content is queen in the new millennium. High-quality content and skillful infotainment have become the sales instrument of the hour and not only address the target group that is important to you, but also connect them to your company in the long term.

What Strategy Is Proving to Be Particularly Effective for Financial Services Providers?

Before going to the details of the plan for content marketing and ordering financial texts, it is important to define your own target group. After all, their needs, requirements, and wishes must be met and addressed in every financial text: Both the content and the pitch must be fully adapted to the consumer you are addressing. After all, a teenager opening his first account needs different content from that of a full-time employee who wants to sweeten his retirement with a small financial cushion.

Noi di greatcontent analizziamo i potenziali lettori insieme ai nostri clienti, per garantire un approccio serio e personalizzato.

Chi fa parte della "generazione pesce rosso"?

La cosiddetta "generazione pesce rosso" si riferisce alla Generazione Y, nata tra i primi anni '80 e la fine degli anni '90. I millennial, che ora hanno tra i 20 e i 40 anni, sono tra i gruppi target più importanti per il marketing dei contenuti finanziari.

They no longer jump on advertising messages and aren’t distracted by glossy pictures. After all, as with many other things in their lives, Generation Y wants to be entertained when choosing the right account plan or receiving information about stocks. Tables, mood boards, infographics, and selective listings — the right text must be short and sharp. Thanks to millennials’ affinity for the internet, financial services providers are now able to use their web presence to directly address the new generation. A hand-crafter bl

og from one of greatcontent’s linguists can serve as an excellent way to process interesting information in an exciting way and to open up a new customer market.

The frequently perceived lack of information about financial markets, equities, and the banking system itself, which many members of Generation Y and Z complain about, can be used to your advantage when you take young people by the hand and guide them through the financial jungle. A generous FAQ section with simple questions can go a long way toward relieving young people of the fear of their first investment. A humorous blog quickly manages to combine important information and entertainment and can be saved in the bookmarks on their smartphone. Interactive chats with experts who answer questions 24/7 are literally tearing down barriers and enabling millennials to see representatives of the banking sector as equals - and not as an old-man association that is only interested in its own gain.

The Latest Must-Have in Your Marketing Mix

As you know, a successful marketing mix consists of many different points. Appropriate content marketing in the financial industry is the prerequisite for a customer-oriented digital strategy that is based not on blunt advertising messages, but rather on useful and, above all, welcome content with added value. Regardless of whether the financial services provider is a foundation, a bank, or an investment banker, with an established content creator like greatcontent, the right words are just a click away.

What Benefits Can You Expect From Tailor-Made Content Marketing?

Low Cost

One of the most important arguments for tailor-made texts is the low cost. Compared to many other marketing tools, content marketing is also proving to be particularly cost-effective for banks. The texts represent a small investment — which only needs to be made once. Later, you will benefit from an excellent ranking in search engines and the added value that is constantly being offered to new customers. Numerous leads, new customers, and therefore high revenues at low cost — are the metrics that distinguish content marketing.

Impressive Range

Compared to paid ads and annoying advertising messages, the content you create from content marketing has the potential to become a viral self-runner. Actionable tables, entertaining texts, or perhaps critical columns from the company blog are often shared on social media — the people you can reach through this are addressed on a personal level through the shared content, which is never really achieved by traditional marketing tools.

The Best Place on Google

Did you know that websites that have more than 400 subpages generate six times more leads than websites that have less than 100 pages? No — then think about these numbers for a second — more parole chiave, less competition, more likes and ratings, better rankings in search engines.

How Can You Create High-Quality Financial Texts Quickly, Cheaply, and Professionally?

The texts must appeal to both amateurs and experts, have a proven added value, and at the same time make “advertising” of their own services. To fulfill all these wishes it’s not magic you need, just a professional at your side who has knowledge of finance as well as writing talent and SEO know-how.

International Success in Banking With Multilingual Content

A seconda del briefing, da greatcontent non troverete solo testi nella vostra lingua madre, ma anche in più di altre trenta. Ogni autore lavora nella propria lingua madre e forniscono non solo traduzioni accurate, ma anche adattamenti culturali, grazie ad un’intima conoscenza della mentalità locale.

What Content Is Suitable for the Financial Sector?

You can choose different approaches to convey competence, specialist knowledge, and expert status to customers: Be its blog entries, information pages, product descriptions, or short status updates on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and more.

24/7 — Always at Your Service

Nel mondo di oggi, non è più necessario far sedere i dipendenti al computer 24 ore su 24 per essere sempre raggiungibili. In molti casi, i chatbot possono essere utilizzati come integrazione. Potete creare le risposte più comuni in anticipo, e far sentire al cliente che viene preso sul serio in ogni momento.

Which companies have greatcontent already advised?

In the financial and insurance industry, greatcontent has long been a reliable partner of expatrio, smava, savedo, simplesurance, and many more.

Cercate esperti finanziari che sappiano comunicare?

Sulla nostra piattaforma potrete convincersi rapidamente della qualità e delle elevate competenze tecniche e linguistiche degli autori. Con messaggi su misura per i vostri clienti, in oltre 30 lingue diverse, greatcontent è il partner ideale da avere al vostro fianco.

Servizi Che Offriamo

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